We’re proud to announce that Texas Mutual is returning more than $1MM in dividends to policyholders in 2018, including members of the Texas Green Industry Safety Group and the Texas Home Builders Safety Group!
For the last 20 years, dividends have served as a way for Texas Mutual to reward safety-conscious employers, and we’re excited to share this with our members.
Dividends can be used to help offset workers’ compensation costs, reinvest into safety equipment and training, or just give a boost to your bottom line.
Safety in your workplace is where you have the greatest opportunity to make an impact when it comes to dividends. Texas Mutual offers thousands of free resources, including e-learning online training modules, which help you launch safety programs, educate employees, and maintain safe environments.
Another way to improve your chance of receiving a dividend is to have a solid return-to-work program in place so that when accidents do occur, you have a plan for minimizing losses and getting workers back on the job. If you’re looking for a place to start, check out these recent blog posts on implementing a return-to-work program from the Your Claims Questions Answered series.
These resources and plans may seem like small steps, but they could add up to a dividend for your business!